Monday, 29 October 2007

Cool Atheist Music 8 - Bad Religion - God Song

Firstly, apologies for the lack of posts over the last couple of weeks. Turns out this PhD thing takes up a lot of your time! We now return you to your normal blogging service, with a slightly delayed cool atheist music.

This week's cool atheist music is again from Bad Religion - it's a great acoustic version of one of their classics. If you want to hear the original, complete with raging guitar, it's here.

If anyone has any ideas for cool atheist music feel free to contribute, and hopefully this series can become a little more regular! For previous posts in this series, see here.


AIGBusted said...

Hi PoP!

I have a blog in which I debunk Answers in Genesis. Check it out!


Vinicius said...

A suggestion of cool atheist music: "My God" by Pennywise.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't have a YouTube video, but you might be interested in our song "No Answer", which is hot off the press: